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- Prove it.
Prove it.
Prove it.
I feel like that's what our kids will always say to us (in their subconscious) when we try to tell them what to do.
Trying to tell them how to eat…
How to live…
How to speak…
Prove it.
(You can watch/listen to this on YouTube)
Some of you might have more experience being a parent. Your kids are a little bit older perhaps. Maybe you have kids who are 7, 8, 9, or 10.
I'm a new dad for about two years now.
My son's gonna be two, and now I have a daughter that's gonna be born next month.
And it just makes me think about everything that I want for them, everything that I want to instill in them.
Principles, behaviors, habits—all those good things that we want our kids to follow.
We have to look at ourselves in the mirror first and say, are we living what we expect them to live?
Because our kids are telling us to prove it.
You know, the saying that they're watching you more than they're listening to you is true.
When I look at my son, I see him mimic so many things that I end up doing, and it's awesome in one way, but it's also a wake-up call.
My kids are gonna be watching my every move.
And if I'm going to try to tell them what to do or guide them, I have to prove it myself.
So I have to live what it is I want them to listen to.
So we're constantly proving it to our kids, showing them, this is the way, this is the way to do it.
So maybe you've struggled in areas of your life.
Maybe you're struggling physically, mentally, financially, who knows what it is.
But I think as long as your kids are watching you make a change, and you want to make a change, and you push yourself and make yourself better and grow yourself, that's going to carry over to your kids.
That's going to be more of a positive teaching tool than actually telling your kids what to do, how to live, or what to eat.
So do it yourself.
Be the person that you want your kids to look up to.
Because ultimately, when you're not here, you know, they're going to look back and say, wow, my mom and my dad really guided me and walked the walk.
I'm going to make sure that my kids tell the story of how their dad lived the way he wanted them to.
I hope that helped and gave you a little bit of motivation and a little push.😉
Because we all need it.
We all need a little push in these times.
I'm not perfect, nobody's perfect, but every day when I get up and I put my feet on the ground,
I say, what can I do to make myself better?
In your corner,
P.S. Speaking of proving it and needing motivation and accountability…
I just posted this on my personal Facebook profile, so let me know if you would be interested…